1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm email

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the neighborli.xyz moderators.

  1. If you run an automated account, please mark it as such.
    Bots and other automated accounts are okay to use on Neighborli. We just ask that you please use the toggle to mark it as an 'automated account' in your settings.
  2. Please keep NSFW content behind a content tag.
    It is okay to post NSFW content on Neighborli, but we ask that you keep it behind a content tag out of consideration for other users who would not like to see it. NSFW content not behind a content tag will be removed.
  3. Absolutely no illegal content.
    Neighborli is based in and follows the laws of the United States of America. Posting illegal content will result in the removal of the illegal content, possible account ban, and depending on the severity, handing the issue over to the appropriate authorities.
  4. Please don't spam.
    We welcome users of all kinds to come to Neighborli and post generally what they want, but nobody appreciates spam. Please don't post the same things over and over. If you must, boost the post you want to promote a few times a week. Please just don't fill up the timeline with it. You don't want to see spam, either - so be considerate!